Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Dear President Bush:

"...people that had been trained in some instances to disassemble—that means not tell the truth."

I really think a block of muenster cheese could do a better job of being president than you're doing.

After a long day of not getting the country embroiled in a pointless war, the American people could make a delicious sandwich with the president.

Your friend,

The Hermgirl


Thursday, May 26, 2005

So here's the full scoop:

I am now working as an office clerk for a small business, a bail bonds/traffic school/insurance broker/ DMV registration service/uhh, dessert topping and floor wax...

My job is to answer phones, take messages, send faxes, and file papers. I am the ONLY one in the office, the few people that work there breeze in and out occasionally, on their way to somewhere else apparently.

I had my only interview for this job last night at 8:45 pm--the gal was on her way somewhere and had found the resume I dropped off. Gave me the key, I came in this morning,. I talked with one guy who came in for about a half an hour to inspect some papers.

I sent two faxes, I separated some files and put them in different piles (are we sensing a pattern here? This is an easy job!) I "familiarised" myself with the filing system by snooping through it, and found some interesting stuff in the bail bonds section on "interviews and interrogations" that talked about how to tell if someone's really telling you the truth--I'll be reading that one thoroughly later, I'm sure.

I'm sensing that whatever work they give me to do will probably take about three hours at the most to complete, then the rest of the day is mine. I anticipate doing a lot of reading, like Henry Winkler did in "Night Shift", before Michael Keaton came along and spoiled everything...

I am going to make it my business to be the best office clerk these people ever saw. Regular, daytime hours (hello, bodyclock realignment!), fairly good money. Last night I was so excited I could hardly sleep. Tonight I am so tired I don't think I will have that problem, 'nighty-night all.

I mean, I'm two doors down from a place that serves chili cheese fries, could things get any better?

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Tighten up your wigs, buddies!

So, bing, bang, boom, I now have the office job I have been trying to get for years.

No more dead end retail. No more smelling like dog poop. No more paychecks that are gone after two little books, one CD and a nice lunch.

I knew with this place lightning was either gonna strike or it wasn't.

How do you like that? More on this story as it develops.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I got this email from a friend:

One of my friends in real life (really.)

In it she said: "There is alot more that happened but I do not waht to board you."

I am going to convince her to start a blog!!! (Seriously!)


Waiting to be boarded...

Monday, May 09, 2005

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Tarot Mages

I hope everyone was good to their mom this weekend.

My sis and I took Mom to a nice restaurant in Half Moon Bay, right next to the beach. It was nice seeing my niece, who is a little punk rocker with her pink and black checked vans (oh, the memories that brings back!)

Then yesterday, I met with my friend Cerulean from the Aeclectic Tarot message board, and we had the first meeting of the San Mateo County Tarot Association, which at this point, and maybe for the first few meetings, consists of just us, and maybe a couple of others, that didn't show yesterday.

We had coffee at Kepler's, and discussed all manner of things. We then did a reading on the future of the group, which I am going to post my interpretation of, both here and on the AT board sometime at the end of the week, because it was one of those big spreads that I really have to chew over.

She also again very generously gifted me with a new tarot deck, the Tarot of the Secret Garden, which I will post a review of sometime soon.

We then went to Feldman's Books, a nice used bookstore near Kepler's, where I purchased The New Tarot for the Aquarian Age, a deck from the sixties. Look for a post on that one soon as well.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Slamdancing With the Angels, or, "At my left hand, Uriel..."

"Zeus speaks: Drink my friends, drink with the gods of Olympus and become one with them. Be one of us and part of all that has been in this beautiful land. I will make you all gods and goddesses, with powers and realms of your own. I ask only that you acknowledge me as ruler of Olympus and all who belong to it. (He holds out the cup and waits.)"
--D.A. Nowicki, The Shining Paths
The week before last, I was offered a similar cup to drink from. I can't quite name it exactly at this juncture, but I've been invited to do something.

I have been hoping for this opportunity for a while and been preparing for it, but naturally now that it's here I am beset with niggling doubts.

Do I take the red pill or the blue pill?

After living under that question for the past week, Sunday night I'm doing my nocturnal thing in my room, listening to one of those college radio stations. The kind that plays the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, b/w Screaming Jay Hawkins, b/w Diamondia Galas, b/w Anton LaVey doing torch songs with an organ, b/w some kinda ambient stuff that sounds like breaking glass and people screaming mixed together.

So, I got very confrontational with my Spirit Guide.

My eyes fell on my Doreen Virtue Healing With the Angels and Archangel Oracle cards (I was ridin' the razor's edge the other night, buddies!) and I said, "OK, baby, let's dance! You TELL me what I should do!"

I threw the big cards on the bed, mixing them violently. This was how the draw fell:
  1. Trust
  2. You Know What to Do--Archangel Uriel: Trust your inner knowlege, and act upon it without delay.
  3. Forgiveness
  4. Relationship Harmony--Archangel Raguel: We angels are opening the hearts of eveyone involved. Arguments and conflicts are being resolved now.
  5. Abundance
Just as I laid these cards out and was looking at them, the radio show hostess came on. Her voice was deep, throaty, and suitably gothy. Her name (I am not making this up!) was Ophelia Necro.

She was saying something about getting mentally prepared: "For some of you, this will mean going to sleep. For others...You know what to do!"