Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Once again, the World Wide Web…

 So, new things are going on with me in the whole learning WebDev thing.

What’s going at this juncture is that since I am slightly disabled, with a pending hip replacement surgery, wt I have to do is have an onramp to employment where I don’t have to be on my feet (I also had bunionectomies on both feet–everything all came down on me, mobilitywise, over the past two years.)

I use a walker, and I’m not supposed to put any weight on one of my feet, so I stay in my room, looking at Twitter, and movies and YouTube and Udemy. I go to doctor appointments a lot, averaging about one every 10 days. I was in the hospital for the whole second half of the year of 2019–which means I have basically been in lockdown for two years now, a full six months longer than the Covid lockdown. Some people have been able to go back to the world in the past few months, I still have a ways to go.

Which means I NEED to get work that is remote, and I’m thinking becoming a junior web developer is my ticket. I actually have a lot of experience with HTML4, using that years ago I was able to build a pretty sophisticated website, considering it was ONLY HTML4.

Over lockdown I have been brushing up and working on learning the new stuff. It’s to where I have been updating my current website. Go ahead and check it out.

So I was looking for more things to learn and what I need to learn to get really good at this stuff again, and found a couple of things to get involved in. Not gonna name names here, because this is where I sort of become a complainy-pants.

I think people that are getting ready to learn the more complex stuff can very easily get flummoxed, and this has to do with the way people think it should be taught. I was taking a beginner online course, and they started off with PYTHON! There is nothing beginner level about Python. Python is related to building games and analyzing data, neither of which thing is building websites. And that’s what I want to do, build websites. Not just any websites, but static websites that can also be responsive (don’t know if that’s possible, but both things interest me.)

I know that I have to learn more advanced HTML5, and CSS, and Javascript, amongst other things. I have a place that I’m at in my studying, and I want to get involved in discussions or groups, but I went to one tonight and first the code editor didn’t work, then I went to look in one of the forums, and a newbie’s question was being answered by advanced people who threw around terms like “JQuery”, and “C+” and “C++.” Nobody knows what those are, dude.

It’s tough, because if you don’t know what you want to learn about, you can get very easily confused, and I think a lot of people are in that stage. Also, if you aren’t sure how your own mind works regarding how you best learn, you can be really jacked around. And it’s not necessarily anyone’s fault, but this would be an explanation of why many give up on learning to code.

I’m not going to, though.

Sunday, May 16, 2021


 Binge-watching that Halston series on Netflix (soooo good!!!) Late 60s to Disco era. Sent me looking on YouTube for perfume reviews. When I get rich, I want to wear original Halston scent, which you can get at Marshall's and Gucci Premier which can be gotten at Sephora.

This put me in mind of my favorite perfume, Red Door. I once went into Niemann Marcus in the City (2024--what with all the businesses closing in San Francisco, I had to check, and yes, as of this posting, it's still there) with some of my church friends (we were having a girl's day out.)

I went straight to the perfume counter and and asked and asked if they carried Red Door. The lady said, in a perfect plummy Philipina accent, "That is Elizabeth Arden, you can find it at Macy's."

When I started getting interested in makeup and stuff, Macy's was the place to go--Clinique was the brand. It was also the place where you saw the very interesting Italian men at the fragrance counter.

All of a sudden, I had an attack of nostalgia for those times--why hadn't I tried to cultivate that side of myself when I was a teenager, like other girls? I should never have put so much energy into another person at the cost of developing my own personality.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Stream of Consciousness

 A new dawn, a new day. He is risen, hallelujah. Easter afternoon. Many things to do.

Fog lifting from coming off pain meds. New agenda, get ready for life–the proverbial “new normal”, which is going to be what?

New job? New home? Will people get in my way again? What will the people on the outside be like?

What to do to get ready? Be ready for anything. Get writing again. Get working again. Get learning again.

This will be you when it is you. People have blown themselves to pieces (Goodbye, Hunter! Goodbye Kurt!)

I’m not going to pieces, I’m just just going up to Daly City. Or down to Burlingame. Depends on the weather. Go someplace nice and live some life, find a peaceful backdrop, and be, actually very un-gonzo.

This is what it is, and this is where it’s at. Downtown, me and Petula Clark. Pizza or Chinese food.

And whether it is, or it isn’t, I’ll be there. Doing all the things, whatever. Clean, pressed, my reading glasses, my notebook, my phone, bible, what else I need for a hunting trip?

No community. I’ll report in, when I can. A missive from an out of the way Chinese restaurant. Something bright and daylight in my heart.