Monday, January 07, 2019

Bullet Journaling


The Preparation
The What: All kinds of pens, meticulously tested and reviewed (even watching YouTube videos –about a $2.00 pen, go figure!) Every paper binding device I could get my hands on (just saying “notebook” doesn’t convey it.)
I’ve been piling up these supplies recently, even getting a job at a big box store to gain greater access to the stuff (The number of writing implements I have now is beyond insane.) Hanging out in the papercraft aisle at Michael’s, Dollar Tree, and other places, wandering around like a zombie, staring at colored paper and tape as if it were the Holy Grail.
The Why: Some kind of idea about being organized! “I will be organized this year!” I vowed to the cashier at Staples as I purchased what amounted to a deluxe starter kit of Arc notebook system stuff, which is ironic, because that particular Arc notebook is sitting on a shelf, not being very organized at all. I have a hole in my heart and I must fill it with magic paper.
Where the Two Come Together: I am a Bullet Journal-er, and because I am also interested in writing I have gone at this fad to an almost psychotic degree. When I first started learning about this, something in me balked at the idea of a hobby where you just put bits of colored paper onto other bits of colored paper. Now, after God knows how many YouTube videos, Facebook groups, and Instagram pictures, I am convinced I do have something in common with the people who want a way to track, decorate, and document their life journey in whatever paper binding device they find pleasing, whether it’s a glitzy Filofax or a Dollar Tree Moleskine dupe.
And this satisfied feeling is what it all boils down to, as I finish this post, the rough draft of which was worked out on paper, and now chills out in the “Goals” section of my planner. I’m going to be blogging my way through Ryder Carroll’s book, and actually covering a lot of different task areas in doing so. Very satisfying.The Preparation
The What: All kinds of pens, meticulously tested and reviewed (even watching YouTube videos –about a $2.00 pen, go figure!) Every paper binding device I could get my hands on (just saying “notebook” doesn’t convey it.)
I’ve been piling up these supplies recently, even getting a job at a big box store to gain greater access to the stuff (The number of writing implements I have now is beyond insane.) Hanging out in the papercraft aisle at Michael’s, Dollar Tree, and other places, wandering around like a zombie, staring at colored paper and tape as if it were the Holy Grail.
The Why: Some kind of idea about being organized! “I will be organized this year!” I vowed to the cashier at Staples as I purchased what amounted to a deluxe starter kit of Arc notebook system stuff, which is ironic, because that particular Arc notebook is sitting on a shelf, not being very organized at all. I have a hole in my heart and I must fill it with magic paper.
Where the Two Come Together: I am a Bullet Journal-er, and because I am also interested in writing I have gone at this fad to an almost psychotic degree. When I first started learning about this, something in me balked at the idea of a hobby where you just put bits of colored paper onto other bits of colored paper. Now, after God knows how many YouTube videos, Facebook groups, and Instagram pictures, I am convinced I do have something in common with the people who want a way to track, decorate, and document their life journey in whatever paper binding device they find pleasing, whether it’s a glitzy Filofax or a Dollar Tree Moleskine dupe.
And this satisfied feeling is what it all boils down to, as I finish this post, the rough draft of which was worked out on paper, and now chills out in the “Goals” section of my planner. I’m going to be blogging my way through Ryder Carroll’s book, and actually covering a lot of different task areas in doing so. Very satisfying

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