[music|Ryan Adams--Gold]
In case you hadn't noticed I am a flawed individual. I have issues. Tonight's offering points up just how twisted I am in my own little way.
I was perusing this website. In the section labeled "Occult Humor", specifically a delightful article entitled "The Rite of Ritual Defecation", I was struck by a thought. The times I talk to myself the most (or rather, the times I yell at people who aren't there in a pissed off way) are usually when I am in the bathroom, on the crapper, or showering. It is at these times when I am quite literally cleansing myself from the things that piss me off. You gotta hand it to me for being extremely vulnerable here. Only the Hermgirl could impart such life lessons: No problem so big that a good healthy crap can't take care of it...
Then I started thinking of a British comedy I saw years ago where the characters talked about "Gandhi's Laxative" and how Gandhi had recieved enlightenment while sitting on the crapper. What was really funny was how they pronounced Gandhi like "candy" instead of the pretentious American way of saying "Gone-di" with the long A sound...
Thanks to Amoris for bringing me into an insight in a way he (she?) probably didn't anticipate.
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